Waves Coin is a crypto currency of the Waves platform. Waves has a market capital of approximately 463 million US dollars and a daily trading volume of almost 2.8 million US dollars. A total of 100,000,000 coins can be acquired. The current price is 4.63 US dollars per coin.
The coin acts as a means of payment on the Waves platform. Any token based on blockchain technology can create the platform for its own ICO or purchase tokens. The special thing about the platform is that it does not attempt to replace Bitcoin. Instead, it offers everyone the opportunity to create their own project.
How does Waves work?
Users of the platform can exchange fiat currencies or other crypto currencies into wave coins via a gateway. The gateway acts as a middleman acting on a decentralized block chain. Anyone who has obtained waves in this way can now create their own tokens on the platform, purchase tokens from other providers, trade tokens against bit coins, tokens against fiat currencies or tokens against tokens.
If you want to create your own tokens, you can do this easily with the Account Creation Guide from Waves. It is necessary to download a client from Waves, more about this in the next section, create an account, describe a token with name, description and total number, and then click on the button "Create". From this point on, users have their own tokens, which are then for sale on the platform.
Wave Nodes
Waves offers Full Nodes and Light Nodes. The difference is that Light Nodes do not have to download the blockchain of Waves completely. The clients can be downloaded from the Google Chrome Store, which speaks for the seriousness of the platform. The Light Nodes are not completely dependent on Full Nodes because they use network status snapshots to verify a transaction.
Waves uses the "Leased Proof of Stake" algorithm. With the proof of stake, the network tries to find a common consensus. The special feature of the "Leased Proof of Stake" is that Light Nodes can borrow their "Stake" from Full Nodes. Both nodes are then connected and the probability to find a block increases equally for both nodes. Both nodes can then participate in the transaction fees. Light nodes even benefit when they are offline.
ICOs on Waves
Since anyone on Waves can initiate an ICO, investors should watch out for scams. Scams are ICOs who just want to take money. Behind them is nothing more than a loss of money. Serious ICOs and scams can be distinguished by a few criteria. First of all, you should ask yourself who is behind the ICO. Are the founders known? Have you already worked on other blockchain projects?
Take a look at the ICO's website. What is the idea behind the ICO? Is there a whitepaper? Whitepapers serve as a detailed project description behind an ICO. Furthermore, you should ask yourself whether the advertised project is promising. As in many things, it is about a conscious analysis of the ICO. This decides whether you invest your money sensibly or lose it to scams.
The Waves serve as a means of payment for tokens that can be created and traded on the Waves platform. On the platform, crypto currencies can be traded against fiat currencies against tokens. Whether an ICO started on the platform is promising depends on the concept of the ICO. Especially on the Waves platform there is the danger to fall for scams. The Waves platform is a brilliant idea because it does not try to outbid large crypto currencies, but gives everyone the freedom to start their own project.
Trade WAVES - WAVES Markets, Exchanges, Broker
Waves Coin is a crypto currency of the Waves platform. Waves has a market capital of approximately 463 million US dollars and a daily trading volume of almost 2.8 million US dollars. A total of 100,000,000 coins can be acquired. The current price is 4.63 US dollars per coin.
The coin acts as a means of payment on the Waves platform. Any token based on blockchain technology can create the platform for its own ICO or purchase tokens. The special thing about the platform is that it does not attempt to replace Bitcoin. Instead, it offers everyone the opportunity to create their own project.
How does Waves work?
Users of the platform can exchange fiat currencies or other crypto currencies into wave coins via a gateway. The gateway acts as a middleman acting on a decentralized block chain. Anyone who has obtained waves in this way can now create their own tokens on the platform, purchase tokens from other providers, trade tokens against bit coins, tokens against fiat currencies or tokens against tokens.
If you want to create your own tokens, you can do this easily with the Account Creation Guide from Waves. It is necessary to download a client from Waves, more about this in the next section, create an account, describe a token with name, description and total number, and then click on the button "Create". From this point on, users have their own tokens, which are then for sale on the platform.
Wave Nodes
Waves offers Full Nodes and Light Nodes. The difference is that Light Nodes do not have to download the blockchain of Waves completely. The clients can be downloaded from the Google Chrome Store, which speaks for the seriousness of the platform. The Light Nodes are not completely dependent on Full Nodes because they use network status snapshots to verify a transaction.
Waves uses the "Leased Proof of Stake" algorithm. With the proof of stake, the network tries to find a common consensus. The special feature of the "Leased Proof of Stake" is that Light Nodes can borrow their "Stake" from Full Nodes. Both nodes are then connected and the probability to find a block increases equally for both nodes. Both nodes can then participate in the transaction fees. Light nodes even benefit when they are offline.
ICOs on Waves
Since anyone on Waves can initiate an ICO, investors should watch out for scams. Scams are ICOs who just want to take money. Behind them is nothing more than a loss of money. Serious ICOs and scams can be distinguished by a few criteria. First of all, you should ask yourself who is behind the ICO. Are the founders known? Have you already worked on other blockchain projects?
Take a look at the ICO's website. What is the idea behind the ICO? Is there a whitepaper? Whitepapers serve as a detailed project description behind an ICO. Furthermore, you should ask yourself whether the advertised project is promising. As in many things, it is about a conscious analysis of the ICO. This decides whether you invest your money sensibly or lose it to scams.
The Waves serve as a means of payment for tokens that can be created and traded on the Waves platform. On the platform, crypto currencies can be traded against fiat currencies against tokens. Whether an ICO started on the platform is promising depends on the concept of the ICO. Especially on the Waves platform there is the danger to fall for scams. The Waves platform is a brilliant idea because it does not try to outbid large crypto currencies, but gives everyone the freedom to start their own project.
Trade WAVES - WAVES Markets, Exchanges, Broker
Waves Coin is a crypto currency of the Waves platform. Waves has a market capital of approximately 463 million US dollars and a daily trading volume of almost 2.8 million US dollars. A total of 100,000,000 coins can be acquired. The current price is 4.63 US dollars per coin.
The coin acts as a means of payment on the Waves platform. Any token based on blockchain technology can create the platform for its own ICO or purchase tokens. The special thing about the platform is that it does not attempt to replace Bitcoin. Instead, it offers everyone the opportunity to create their own project.
How does Waves work?
Users of the platform can exchange fiat currencies or other crypto currencies into wave coins via a gateway. The gateway acts as a middleman acting on a decentralized block chain. Anyone who has obtained waves in this way can now create their own tokens on the platform, purchase tokens from other providers, trade tokens against bit coins, tokens against fiat currencies or tokens against tokens.
If you want to create your own tokens, you can do this easily with the Account Creation Guide from Waves. It is necessary to download a client from Waves, more about this in the next section, create an account, describe a token with name, description and total number, and then click on the button "Create". From this point on, users have their own tokens, which are then for sale on the platform.
Wave Nodes
Waves offers Full Nodes and Light Nodes. The difference is that Light Nodes do not have to download the blockchain of Waves completely. The clients can be downloaded from the Google Chrome Store, which speaks for the seriousness of the platform. The Light Nodes are not completely dependent on Full Nodes because they use network status snapshots to verify a transaction.
Waves uses the "Leased Proof of Stake" algorithm. With the proof of stake, the network tries to find a common consensus. The special feature of the "Leased Proof of Stake" is that Light Nodes can borrow their "Stake" from Full Nodes. Both nodes are then connected and the probability to find a block increases equally for both nodes. Both nodes can then participate in the transaction fees. Light nodes even benefit when they are offline.
ICOs on Waves
Since anyone on Waves can initiate an ICO, investors should watch out for scams. Scams are ICOs who just want to take money. Behind them is nothing more than a loss of money. Serious ICOs and scams can be distinguished by a few criteria. First of all, you should ask yourself who is behind the ICO. Are the founders known? Have you already worked on other blockchain projects?
Take a look at the ICO's website. What is the idea behind the ICO? Is there a whitepaper? Whitepapers serve as a detailed project description behind an ICO. Furthermore, you should ask yourself whether the advertised project is promising. As in many things, it is about a conscious analysis of the ICO. This decides whether you invest your money sensibly or lose it to scams.
The Waves serve as a means of payment for tokens that can be created and traded on the Waves platform. On the platform, crypto currencies can be traded against fiat currencies against tokens. Whether an ICO started on the platform is promising depends on the concept of the ICO. Especially on the Waves platform there is the danger to fall for scams. The Waves platform is a brilliant idea because it does not try to outbid large crypto currencies, but gives everyone the freedom to start their own project.
Trade WAVES - WAVES Markets, Exchanges, Broker
Waves Coin is a crypto currency of the Waves platform. Waves has a market capital of approximately 463 million US dollars and a daily trading volume of almost 2.8 million US dollars. A total of 100,000,000 coins can be acquired. The current price is 4.63 US dollars per coin.
The coin acts as a means of payment on the Waves platform. Any token based on blockchain technology can create the platform for its own ICO or purchase tokens. The special thing about the platform is that it does not attempt to replace Bitcoin. Instead, it offers everyone the opportunity to create their own project.
How does Waves work?
Users of the platform can exchange fiat currencies or other crypto currencies into wave coins via a gateway. The gateway acts as a middleman acting on a decentralized block chain. Anyone who has obtained waves in this way can now create their own tokens on the platform, purchase tokens from other providers, trade tokens against bit coins, tokens against fiat currencies or tokens against tokens.
If you want to create your own tokens, you can do this easily with the Account Creation Guide from Waves. It is necessary to download a client from Waves, more about this in the next section, create an account, describe a token with name, description and total number, and then click on the button "Create". From this point on, users have their own tokens, which are then for sale on the platform.
Wave Nodes
Waves offers Full Nodes and Light Nodes. The difference is that Light Nodes do not have to download the blockchain of Waves completely. The clients can be downloaded from the Google Chrome Store, which speaks for the seriousness of the platform. The Light Nodes are not completely dependent on Full Nodes because they use network status snapshots to verify a transaction.
Waves uses the "Leased Proof of Stake" algorithm. With the proof of stake, the network tries to find a common consensus. The special feature of the "Leased Proof of Stake" is that Light Nodes can borrow their "Stake" from Full Nodes. Both nodes are then connected and the probability to find a block increases equally for both nodes. Both nodes can then participate in the transaction fees. Light nodes even benefit when they are offline.
ICOs on Waves
Since anyone on Waves can initiate an ICO, investors should watch out for scams. Scams are ICOs who just want to take money. Behind them is nothing more than a loss of money. Serious ICOs and scams can be distinguished by a few criteria. First of all, you should ask yourself who is behind the ICO. Are the founders known? Have you already worked on other blockchain projects?
Take a look at the ICO's website. What is the idea behind the ICO? Is there a whitepaper? Whitepapers serve as a detailed project description behind an ICO. Furthermore, you should ask yourself whether the advertised project is promising. As in many things, it is about a conscious analysis of the ICO. This decides whether you invest your money sensibly or lose it to scams.
The Waves serve as a means of payment for tokens that can be created and traded on the Waves platform. On the platform, crypto currencies can be traded against fiat currencies against tokens. Whether an ICO started on the platform is promising depends on the concept of the ICO. Especially on the Waves platform there is the danger to fall for scams. The Waves platform is a brilliant idea because it does not try to outbid large crypto currencies, but gives everyone the freedom to start their own project.
Trade WAVES - WAVES Markets, Exchanges, Broker
Waves Coin is a crypto currency of the Waves platform. Waves has a market capital of approximately 463 million US dollars and a daily trading volume of almost 2.8 million US dollars. A total of 100,000,000 coins can be acquired. The current price is 4.63 US dollars per coin.
The coin acts as a means of payment on the Waves platform. Any token based on blockchain technology can create the platform for its own ICO or purchase tokens. The special thing about the platform is that it does not attempt to replace Bitcoin. Instead, it offers everyone the opportunity to create their own project.
How does Waves work?
Users of the platform can exchange fiat currencies or other crypto currencies into wave coins via a gateway. The gateway acts as a middleman acting on a decentralized block chain. Anyone who has obtained waves in this way can now create their own tokens on the platform, purchase tokens from other providers, trade tokens against bit coins, tokens against fiat currencies or tokens against tokens.
If you want to create your own tokens, you can do this easily with the Account Creation Guide from Waves. It is necessary to download a client from Waves, more about this in the next section, create an account, describe a token with name, description and total number, and then click on the button "Create". From this point on, users have their own tokens, which are then for sale on the platform.
Wave Nodes
Waves offers Full Nodes and Light Nodes. The difference is that Light Nodes do not have to download the blockchain of Waves completely. The clients can be downloaded from the Google Chrome Store, which speaks for the seriousness of the platform. The Light Nodes are not completely dependent on Full Nodes because they use network status snapshots to verify a transaction.
Waves uses the "Leased Proof of Stake" algorithm. With the proof of stake, the network tries to find a common consensus. The special feature of the "Leased Proof of Stake" is that Light Nodes can borrow their "Stake" from Full Nodes. Both nodes are then connected and the probability to find a block increases equally for both nodes. Both nodes can then participate in the transaction fees. Light nodes even benefit when they are offline.
ICOs on Waves
Since anyone on Waves can initiate an ICO, investors should watch out for scams. Scams are ICOs who just want to take money. Behind them is nothing more than a loss of money. Serious ICOs and scams can be distinguished by a few criteria. First of all, you should ask yourself who is behind the ICO. Are the founders known? Have you already worked on other blockchain projects?
Take a look at the ICO's website. What is the idea behind the ICO? Is there a whitepaper? Whitepapers serve as a detailed project description behind an ICO. Furthermore, you should ask yourself whether the advertised project is promising. As in many things, it is about a conscious analysis of the ICO. This decides whether you invest your money sensibly or lose it to scams.
The Waves serve as a means of payment for tokens that can be created and traded on the Waves platform. On the platform, crypto currencies can be traded against fiat currencies against tokens. Whether an ICO started on the platform is promising depends on the concept of the ICO. Especially on the Waves platform there is the danger to fall for scams. The Waves platform is a brilliant idea because it does not try to outbid large crypto currencies, but gives everyone the freedom to start their own project.
Trade WAVES - WAVES Markets, Exchanges, Broker
Waves Coin is a crypto currency of the Waves platform. Waves has a market capital of approximately 463 million US dollars and a daily trading volume of almost 2.8 million US dollars. A total of 100,000,000 coins can be acquired. The current price is 4.63 US dollars per coin.
The coin acts as a means of payment on the Waves platform. Any token based on blockchain technology can create the platform for its own ICO or purchase tokens. The special thing about the platform is that it does not attempt to replace Bitcoin. Instead, it offers everyone the opportunity to create their own project.
How does Waves work?
Users of the platform can exchange fiat currencies or other crypto currencies into wave coins via a gateway. The gateway acts as a middleman acting on a decentralized block chain. Anyone who has obtained waves in this way can now create their own tokens on the platform, purchase tokens from other providers, trade tokens against bit coins, tokens against fiat currencies or tokens against tokens.
If you want to create your own tokens, you can do this easily with the Account Creation Guide from Waves. It is necessary to download a client from Waves, more about this in the next section, create an account, describe a token with name, description and total number, and then click on the button "Create". From this point on, users have their own tokens, which are then for sale on the platform.
Wave Nodes
Waves offers Full Nodes and Light Nodes. The difference is that Light Nodes do not have to download the blockchain of Waves completely. The clients can be downloaded from the Google Chrome Store, which speaks for the seriousness of the platform. The Light Nodes are not completely dependent on Full Nodes because they use network status snapshots to verify a transaction.
Waves uses the "Leased Proof of Stake" algorithm. With the proof of stake, the network tries to find a common consensus. The special feature of the "Leased Proof of Stake" is that Light Nodes can borrow their "Stake" from Full Nodes. Both nodes are then connected and the probability to find a block increases equally for both nodes. Both nodes can then participate in the transaction fees. Light nodes even benefit when they are offline.
ICOs on Waves
Since anyone on Waves can initiate an ICO, investors should watch out for scams. Scams are ICOs who just want to take money. Behind them is nothing more than a loss of money. Serious ICOs and scams can be distinguished by a few criteria. First of all, you should ask yourself who is behind the ICO. Are the founders known? Have you already worked on other blockchain projects?
Take a look at the ICO's website. What is the idea behind the ICO? Is there a whitepaper? Whitepapers serve as a detailed project description behind an ICO. Furthermore, you should ask yourself whether the advertised project is promising. As in many things, it is about a conscious analysis of the ICO. This decides whether you invest your money sensibly or lose it to scams.
The Waves serve as a means of payment for tokens that can be created and traded on the Waves platform. On the platform, crypto currencies can be traded against fiat currencies against tokens. Whether an ICO started on the platform is promising depends on the concept of the ICO. Especially on the Waves platform there is the danger to fall for scams. The Waves platform is a brilliant idea because it does not try to outbid large crypto currencies, but gives everyone the freedom to start their own project.
Trade WAVES - WAVES Markets, Exchanges, Broker
Waves Coin is a crypto currency of the Waves platform. Waves has a market capital of approximately 463 million US dollars and a daily trading volume of almost 2.8 million US dollars. A total of 100,000,000 coins can be acquired. The current price is 4.63 US dollars per coin.
The coin acts as a means of payment on the Waves platform. Any token based on blockchain technology can create the platform for its own ICO or purchase tokens. The special thing about the platform is that it does not attempt to replace Bitcoin. Instead, it offers everyone the opportunity to create their own project.
How does Waves work?
Users of the platform can exchange fiat currencies or other crypto currencies into wave coins via a gateway. The gateway acts as a middleman acting on a decentralized block chain. Anyone who has obtained waves in this way can now create their own tokens on the platform, purchase tokens from other providers, trade tokens against bit coins, tokens against fiat currencies or tokens against tokens.
If you want to create your own tokens, you can do this easily with the Account Creation Guide from Waves. It is necessary to download a client from Waves, more about this in the next section, create an account, describe a token with name, description and total number, and then click on the button "Create". From this point on, users have their own tokens, which are then for sale on the platform.
Wave Nodes
Waves offers Full Nodes and Light Nodes. The difference is that Light Nodes do not have to download the blockchain of Waves completely. The clients can be downloaded from the Google Chrome Store, which speaks for the seriousness of the platform. The Light Nodes are not completely dependent on Full Nodes because they use network status snapshots to verify a transaction.
Waves uses the "Leased Proof of Stake" algorithm. With the proof of stake, the network tries to find a common consensus. The special feature of the "Leased Proof of Stake" is that Light Nodes can borrow their "Stake" from Full Nodes. Both nodes are then connected and the probability to find a block increases equally for both nodes. Both nodes can then participate in the transaction fees. Light nodes even benefit when they are offline.
ICOs on Waves
Since anyone on Waves can initiate an ICO, investors should watch out for scams. Scams are ICOs who just want to take money. Behind them is nothing more than a loss of money. Serious ICOs and scams can be distinguished by a few criteria. First of all, you should ask yourself who is behind the ICO. Are the founders known? Have you already worked on other blockchain projects?
Take a look at the ICO's website. What is the idea behind the ICO? Is there a whitepaper? Whitepapers serve as a detailed project description behind an ICO. Furthermore, you should ask yourself whether the advertised project is promising. As in many things, it is about a conscious analysis of the ICO. This decides whether you invest your money sensibly or lose it to scams.
The Waves serve as a means of payment for tokens that can be created and traded on the Waves platform. On the platform, crypto currencies can be traded against fiat currencies against tokens. Whether an ICO started on the platform is promising depends on the concept of the ICO. Especially on the Waves platform there is the danger to fall for scams. The Waves platform is a brilliant idea because it does not try to outbid large crypto currencies, but gives everyone the freedom to start their own project.
Trade WAVES - WAVES Markets, Exchanges, Broker
Waves Coin is a crypto currency of the Waves platform. Waves has a market capital of approximately 463 million US dollars and a daily trading volume of almost 2.8 million US dollars. A total of 100,000,000 coins can be acquired. The current price is 4.63 US dollars per coin.
The coin acts as a means of payment on the Waves platform. Any token based on blockchain technology can create the platform for its own ICO or purchase tokens. The special thing about the platform is that it does not attempt to replace Bitcoin. Instead, it offers everyone the opportunity to create their own project.
How does Waves work?
Users of the platform can exchange fiat currencies or other crypto currencies into wave coins via a gateway. The gateway acts as a middleman acting on a decentralized block chain. Anyone who has obtained waves in this way can now create their own tokens on the platform, purchase tokens from other providers, trade tokens against bit coins, tokens against fiat currencies or tokens against tokens.
If you want to create your own tokens, you can do this easily with the Account Creation Guide from Waves. It is necessary to download a client from Waves, more about this in the next section, create an account, describe a token with name, description and total number, and then click on the button "Create". From this point on, users have their own tokens, which are then for sale on the platform.
Wave Nodes
Waves offers Full Nodes and Light Nodes. The difference is that Light Nodes do not have to download the blockchain of Waves completely. The clients can be downloaded from the Google Chrome Store, which speaks for the seriousness of the platform. The Light Nodes are not completely dependent on Full Nodes because they use network status snapshots to verify a transaction.
Waves uses the "Leased Proof of Stake" algorithm. With the proof of stake, the network tries to find a common consensus. The special feature of the "Leased Proof of Stake" is that Light Nodes can borrow their "Stake" from Full Nodes. Both nodes are then connected and the probability to find a block increases equally for both nodes. Both nodes can then participate in the transaction fees. Light nodes even benefit when they are offline.
ICOs on Waves
Since anyone on Waves can initiate an ICO, investors should watch out for scams. Scams are ICOs who just want to take money. Behind them is nothing more than a loss of money. Serious ICOs and scams can be distinguished by a few criteria. First of all, you should ask yourself who is behind the ICO. Are the founders known? Have you already worked on other blockchain projects?
Take a look at the ICO's website. What is the idea behind the ICO? Is there a whitepaper? Whitepapers serve as a detailed project description behind an ICO. Furthermore, you should ask yourself whether the advertised project is promising. As in many things, it is about a conscious analysis of the ICO. This decides whether you invest your money sensibly or lose it to scams.
The Waves serve as a means of payment for tokens that can be created and traded on the Waves platform. On the platform, crypto currencies can be traded against fiat currencies against tokens. Whether an ICO started on the platform is promising depends on the concept of the ICO. Especially on the Waves platform there is the danger to fall for scams. The Waves platform is a brilliant idea because it does not try to outbid large crypto currencies, but gives everyone the freedom to start their own project.
Trade WAVES - WAVES Markets, Exchanges, Broker
Waves Coin is a crypto currency of the Waves platform. Waves has a market capital of approximately 463 million US dollars and a daily trading volume of almost 2.8 million US dollars. A total of 100,000,000 coins can be acquired. The current price is 4.63 US dollars per coin.
The coin acts as a means of payment on the Waves platform. Any token based on blockchain technology can create the platform for its own ICO or purchase tokens. The special thing about the platform is that it does not attempt to replace Bitcoin. Instead, it offers everyone the opportunity to create their own project.
How does Waves work?
Users of the platform can exchange fiat currencies or other crypto currencies into wave coins via a gateway. The gateway acts as a middleman acting on a decentralized block chain. Anyone who has obtained waves in this way can now create their own tokens on the platform, purchase tokens from other providers, trade tokens against bit coins, tokens against fiat currencies or tokens against tokens.
If you want to create your own tokens, you can do this easily with the Account Creation Guide from Waves. It is necessary to download a client from Waves, more about this in the next section, create an account, describe a token with name, description and total number, and then click on the button "Create". From this point on, users have their own tokens, which are then for sale on the platform.
Wave Nodes
Waves offers Full Nodes and Light Nodes. The difference is that Light Nodes do not have to download the blockchain of Waves completely. The clients can be downloaded from the Google Chrome Store, which speaks for the seriousness of the platform. The Light Nodes are not completely dependent on Full Nodes because they use network status snapshots to verify a transaction.
Waves uses the "Leased Proof of Stake" algorithm. With the proof of stake, the network tries to find a common consensus. The special feature of the "Leased Proof of Stake" is that Light Nodes can borrow their "Stake" from Full Nodes. Both nodes are then connected and the probability to find a block increases equally for both nodes. Both nodes can then participate in the transaction fees. Light nodes even benefit when they are offline.
ICOs on Waves
Since anyone on Waves can initiate an ICO, investors should watch out for scams. Scams are ICOs who just want to take money. Behind them is nothing more than a loss of money. Serious ICOs and scams can be distinguished by a few criteria. First of all, you should ask yourself who is behind the ICO. Are the founders known? Have you already worked on other blockchain projects?
Take a look at the ICO's website. What is the idea behind the ICO? Is there a whitepaper? Whitepapers serve as a detailed project description behind an ICO. Furthermore, you should ask yourself whether the advertised project is promising. As in many things, it is about a conscious analysis of the ICO. This decides whether you invest your money sensibly or lose it to scams.
The Waves serve as a means of payment for tokens that can be created and traded on the Waves platform. On the platform, crypto currencies can be traded against fiat currencies against tokens. Whether an ICO started on the platform is promising depends on the concept of the ICO. Especially on the Waves platform there is the danger to fall for scams. The Waves platform is a brilliant idea because it does not try to outbid large crypto currencies, but gives everyone the freedom to start their own project.
Trade WAVES - WAVES Markets, Exchanges, Broker
Waves Coin is a crypto currency of the Waves platform. Waves has a market capital of approximately 463 million US dollars and a daily trading volume of almost 2.8 million US dollars. A total of 100,000,000 coins can be acquired. The current price is 4.63 US dollars per coin.
The coin acts as a means of payment on the Waves platform. Any token based on blockchain technology can create the platform for its own ICO or purchase tokens. The special thing about the platform is that it does not attempt to replace Bitcoin. Instead, it offers everyone the opportunity to create their own project.
How does Waves work?
Users of the platform can exchange fiat currencies or other crypto currencies into wave coins via a gateway. The gateway acts as a middleman acting on a decentralized block chain. Anyone who has obtained waves in this way can now create their own tokens on the platform, purchase tokens from other providers, trade tokens against bit coins, tokens against fiat currencies or tokens against tokens.
If you want to create your own tokens, you can do this easily with the Account Creation Guide from Waves. It is necessary to download a client from Waves, more about this in the next section, create an account, describe a token with name, description and total number, and then click on the button "Create". From this point on, users have their own tokens, which are then for sale on the platform.
Wave Nodes
Waves offers Full Nodes and Light Nodes. The difference is that Light Nodes do not have to download the blockchain of Waves completely. The clients can be downloaded from the Google Chrome Store, which speaks for the seriousness of the platform. The Light Nodes are not completely dependent on Full Nodes because they use network status snapshots to verify a transaction.
Waves uses the "Leased Proof of Stake" algorithm. With the proof of stake, the network tries to find a common consensus. The special feature of the "Leased Proof of Stake" is that Light Nodes can borrow their "Stake" from Full Nodes. Both nodes are then connected and the probability to find a block increases equally for both nodes. Both nodes can then participate in the transaction fees. Light nodes even benefit when they are offline.
ICOs on Waves
Since anyone on Waves can initiate an ICO, investors should watch out for scams. Scams are ICOs who just want to take money. Behind them is nothing more than a loss of money. Serious ICOs and scams can be distinguished by a few criteria. First of all, you should ask yourself who is behind the ICO. Are the founders known? Have you already worked on other blockchain projects?
Take a look at the ICO's website. What is the idea behind the ICO? Is there a whitepaper? Whitepapers serve as a detailed project description behind an ICO. Furthermore, you should ask yourself whether the advertised project is promising. As in many things, it is about a conscious analysis of the ICO. This decides whether you invest your money sensibly or lose it to scams.
The Waves serve as a means of payment for tokens that can be created and traded on the Waves platform. On the platform, crypto currencies can be traded against fiat currencies against tokens. Whether an ICO started on the platform is promising depends on the concept of the ICO. Especially on the Waves platform there is the danger to fall for scams. The Waves platform is a brilliant idea because it does not try to outbid large crypto currencies, but gives everyone the freedom to start their own project.